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KUAF and Ozarks at Large are hosting NWA Mayoral Candidate Forums on Oct. 15, 22 & 28. Click here for more information!
KUAF Community Spotlight

Giving Tree 2021 Benefits Local Non-profits Magdalene Serenity House and Peace at Home Shelter

Pete Hartman

This segment on the 2021 Giving Tree showcases this year's non-profits the Magdalene Serenity House and the Peace at Home Family Shelter. Listeners learn how these non-profits serve our communities and how donations can be made. More information on how to participate in the Giving Tree can be found at https://www.kuaf.com/giving-tree-2021-benefitting-peace-home-shelter-and-magdalene-serenity-house#stream/0

KUAF Community Spotlight
Pete Hartman is KUAF's operations manager.
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