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Bat For Lashes: Lush And Mystical

Not quite abandoning the mystical quality of her Mercury Prize-winning debut, Natasha Khan's Bat for Lashes astounds with the lush, beat-heavy Two Suns. On the album, the British songstress explores an alter ego named Pearl, a blonde femme-fatale who acts as Khan's yin to her desert-born yang.

In a session with host David Dye, Khan says she has a "visual" approach to songwriting.

"Whenever I'm writing music it's a very visual place in my mind," said Khan. "It has a location full of characters and colours and landscapes, so those two things really complement each other, and they help the other one to blossom and support the other. They are like brother and sister."

You can hear Bat for Lashes perform "Daniel" — Khan's tribute to Ralph Macchio's character in The Karate Kid — and more by clicking the audio link above.

This story was originally aired on May 15, 2009.

Copyright 2009 XPN