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Farmers' Coop Encourages First-Generation Farming and Transparency

Z. Sitek
The chickens on Bill Staggs' farm in Charleston are raised in so-called prairie schooners, which he moves each day so the birds have access to fresh grass and insects.

Grass Roots Farmers' Coop, which got its start in 2014, focuses on small-batch farming and responsibly raised meat. The chickens, hogs, cattle and other livestock raised on the coop's members' farms are pasture-raised and fed non-GMO feed. The coop then sells the meat directly to customers via its website, ships it to restaurants around Arkansas and works with distributors and e-commerce companies to get the products to other parts of the country. Grass Roots Coop also uses a technology called blockchain, which allows customers to track where their purchase came from. Additionally, the coop provides support to first-generation farmers by covering upfront costs and offering workshops.