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During the month of November 2019, KUAF will participate in the national movement called The Purple Project for Democracy. The Purple Project is a non-partisan coalition, campaign and movement, spanning the breadth of American society "to rediscover and recommit to our democratic values and institutions."

To Restore Voting Rights, Arkansans With Felonies Must Meet List of Criteria

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Kaleem Nazeem was released from prison in 2018 after being incarcerated for 28 years. He registered to vote and cast his first ballot that same year. 2020 will be the first time he can vote in a presidential election.

Monday, Oct. 5, is the deadline to register to vote in Arkansas. Registration is generally a brief process, but it can take much longer for Arkansans convicted of a felony. One man who has restored his voting rights says some felons may not register to vote because they don't know they're eligible or collecting the necessary paperwork proves too burdensome.

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