You feel just awful — stuffed up, lethargic, achey, feverish. Do you have a cold? Influenza? Allergies? Or the dreaded COVID-19? With many going maskless…
Our show launches today with a plea for Arkansans to get flu shots, a reopening of Fort Smith National Historic Site visitors center, and a new Masters of…
The Arkansas Department of Health is encouraging people to get vaccinated for the flu this fall to avoid an outbreak and potential strain on the state's…
At the top of our show today: week-to-week new cases of the virus slowly dropping in Arkansas, flu shots availalbe next week, and the Northwest Arkansas…
The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention is warning that cases of Respiratory Syncytial Virus, RSV for short, are suddenly rising across the…
Fewer Arkansans are catching influenza this season, data show. Experts believe it may be due to COVID-19 NPI's, or non-pharmaceutical interventions, such…
The Arkansas Department of Health compiles data on communicable disease outbreaks in Arkansas to inform medical providers, the media and the public. We…