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Making SMART New Year’s Goals

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Credit iStock gbh007

As we enter a new year, I know many people are planning New Year's Goals. We want to make goals SMART. This is an acronym that stands for specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time specific.

When I say specific, I mean it should be focused and something you are motivated to accomplish.

Your goal should be measurable. This will make it easy to evaluate how close you are to your goal, and get you excited the closer you get to accomplishing it.

Is your goal attainable or realistic? Think about constraints or challenges that may pop up when working towards your goal.

Is your goal relevant? Consider how your goal aligns with your daily life and other things that are important to you.

Lastly, make your goal with a deadline. Having a time specific goal will keep you committed.

These 5 components will make you more successful reaching your goal. An example of a SMART goal could be:

  • I will prepare and eat baked or grilled fish for supper at least twice a week.
  • At least five times this week, I will eat breakfast with a whole grain and protein item.

This is Natalie for Church Health.

Copyright 2021 WKNO

Church Health