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Opioid Overdose Reversal

Church Health
Credit Church Health

The Memphis Area Prevention Coalition is Shelby County’s anti-drug coalition, and it is a part of Church Health.

It is funded in large part by the Tennessee Department of Mental Health and Substance Abuse Services.

As we await the second round of stimulus checks, the Coalition is worried. During April and May, when the first stimulus checks were arriving, there were 418 suspected drug overdoses in Shelby County, 70 of which were fatal. For 2020, overdose deaths are at 397, a 47 percent increase over 2019.

Isolation, job loss, and anxiety caused by the pandemic are not conducive to recovery. As stimulus checks begin to roll out again, we fear the same spike will happen again.

There is something you can do. The Coalition can give you and train you in the use of an opioid overuse reversal kit. If you would like a virtual training in overdose reversal, call Josh Wiel at 901-495-5103. That is 495-5103.

For more information on the Coalition visit MemphisPrevention.org or find the Coalition on Facebook.

This is Butch Odom for Church Health.

Copyright 2021 WKNO

Church Health