L. Carol Ritchie
Arlington officials identified James Yoo as the suspect involved in the massive Monday night explosion. Police say he is presumed dead as they investigate what caused the home to go up in flames.
The legendary designer's highly constructed creations and outlandishly dramatic aesthetic made him a favorite of stars such as Cardi B, Lady Gaga and Beyoncé. Mugler died Sunday at 73.
Major League Baseball owners and players failed to reach a deal on a new work agreement, triggering a lockout — the owners' version of a strike.
We challenge you to say what the Guinness World Records once called the most difficult English-language tongue twister: "The sixth sick sheikh's sixth sheep's sick."
The Sleeping Bus Tour is a 5-hour, 47-mile ride to nowhere on a double-decker bus. It's designed for people who are easily put to sleep on moving vehicles. Passengers can bring pillows and blankets.
The team will become the Cleveland Guardians in 2022 after a long push to abandon a name Indigenous activists fought for years to change.
Career diplomat Daniel Foote called the Biden administration's approach "inhumane" and "counterproductive" in his resignation letter.
The festivities featured a parade of athletes through a mostly empty stadium — including the Afghan flag carried by a volunteer in a show of solidarity — and a one-winged plane that learned to fly.
Joy can be cultivated. Hostility often masks depression. As one year ends and another begins, these six insights and tips from psychologists offer hope for a good new year.
Negative thinking can keep you from making social connections. Here's advice from psychologists about how to overcome the sneaky voice in your head that holds you back.