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KUAF and Ozarks at Large are hosting NWA Mayoral Candidate Forums on Oct. 15, 22 & 28. Click here for more information!

Sound Perimeter: I Shall Not Be Moved

Today's "Sound Perimeter" celebrates the richness and variety of African American music, featuring pieces and composers who have profoundly influenced American music and captivated audiences around the globe. Artists featured include Avery Gagliano, Samantha Ege and Rhiannon Gibbons.

Sound Perimeter is a segment hosted by Lia Uribe and dedicated to diverse voices in and around music. We hope it’ll expand your knowledge and connection to inclusive sounds and let music infiltrate your lives and transform your realities.

Lia Uribe is the host of Sound Perimeter.
Lia Uribe is the Associate Dean for Arts & Humanities and a professor at the University of Arkansas. She is also the principal bassoonist of the Arkansas Philharmonic Orchestra.

Sophia Nourani is a producer and reporter for KUAF. She is a graduate of the University of Arkansas with a BA in journalism and political science.