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Windgate's $25m challenge gift for A-State's arts and innovation district sets a new record

 These are plans for the new Windgate Hall, which will anchor an innovation and arts district on campus.  The Windgate Foundation donated $25 million in support of the project, the largest gift ever donated to A-State in the school's history.
Arkansas State University
These are plans for the new Windgate Hall, which will anchor an innovation and arts district on campus. The Windgate Foundation donated $25 million in support of the project, the largest gift ever donated to A-State in the school's history.

The Windgate Foundation has made the largest pledge in the history of A-State to go toward constructing a new art and innovation district on campus.

A-State announced on Friday that the Little Rock-based non-profit will commit $25 million to go toward constructing Windgate Hall. The announcement came after the ASU System Board of Trustees approved a resolution giving naming rights to Windgate.

Chancellor Kelly Damphousse says the hall, which will serve as the focal point of the district, will be a place where art can intersect with other disciplines, such as engineering and science.

“Art is a part of every endeavor, and the goal of the Windgate Hall of Art and Innovation is to create new curriculum that fuses together art, science, design and innovation,” Damphousse said.  “Whether it is a bridge, a building, or a business plan – when it is excellent and elegant we call it ‘a work of art.’ Windgate Hall will open collaborations between art and engineering, art and science, art and business, art and computer programming, art and a wide range of disciplines we’ve not imagined yet.”

$20 million of the grant will go toward constructing the hall, while $5 million will start a building maintenance endowment. Plans for the district include numerous art walks and outdoor display areas, as well as a new outdoor performance amphitheater.

”We are pleased to partner with A-State in this unique opportunity to advance visual art collaborations across academic fields,” said Robyn Horn, Windgate Board Chair. “The arts are an integral part of learning, and we appreciate the support the school and ASU Board members have shown with the Bradbury Art Museum and the Center for Three-Dimensional Arts. We are confident the new Hall of Art and Innovation will benefit both the students and community in many significant ways.”

The Windgate Foundation, A-State said, has become the university's largest single benefactor in the institution's 112 year history with its gift. Windgate's $25 million gift breaks its previous record-setting $6.7 million donation which was made for the Three-Dimensional Arts center, which opened in September 2021.

KASU is licensed by Arkansas State University.

Copyright 2021 KASU

A Northeast Arkansas native from Wynne, I’ve been involved with radio for about 15 years. I got my Bachelor of Arts degree from Henderson State University in Arkadelphia, where I also served as an award-winning News Director for 2 years at KSWH-LP.
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