As more Arkansans go without dental health insurance, there is a need for more free dental services. David Monteith with Arkansas Public Media reports on…
The use of electronic smoking devices is the subject of intense scientific investigation after being linked to a rash of lung injuries across the U.S.…
Many elderly Americans have a hard time sticking to routine oral healthcare due to chronic illness, disability or insitutional living. Lapses in care can…
The quest for a perfect snow-white smile has created an esthetic dental and commercial products industry. Jacqueline Froelich with Arkansas Public Media…
Telehealth technologies have the potential to improve oral health in Arkansas. Teledentistry, which involves remote examination, diagnosis and treatment,…
A new Delta Dental grant funding program called SMILES:POSSIBLE is seeking applications for projects that align with Arkansas Healthy People 2020…
Anthropologists who study prehistoric human teeth are unearthing certain links to present day oral health. Daniel Caruth, with Arkansas Public Media,…
More dentists in Arkansas are going on the road and mobile dentistry is practiced in different ways with various missions. This report is part of a…