Our Militant Grammarian returns with a list of anti-autonyms: words that look like they should mean the opposite of one another but actually mean the same thing.
Our Militant Grammarian, Katherine Shurlds, comes back to our show next week with a new collection of facts, tidbits and quizzes about language. We get ready for her return with a visit she made to our studio last May to talk about the fun of punctuation.
Our Militant Grammarian, Katherine Shurlds, will be back with new sessions about language soon. Today we wanted to share a Halloween-themed visit with her from 2021.
We share an early spring visit with the Militant Grammarian,Katherine Shulrds, that delivers some two-letter words for game players.
Our Militant Grammarian, Katherine Shurlds, brushes up on the vernacular of barbecue.
Our Militant Grammarian, Katherine Shurlds, brushes up on the vernacular of barbecue.
Our Militant Grammarian, Katherine Shurlds, says many of our idioms may cause confusion for younger people since the phrases don't really relate to 21st-century living.
Our Militant Grammarian, Katherine Shurlds, says many of our idioms may cause confusion for younger people since the phrases don't really relate to 21st-century living.
Our Militant Grammarian, Katherine Shurlds, expounds on tricky words that begin with the letter "A."
Our Militant Grammarian, Katherine Shurlds, expounds on tricky words that begin with the letter "A."