On today's show, Bentonville Public Library is getting ready to show off its years-in-the-making expansion. Plus, the responsibility of forecasting weather with University of Arkansas alum Tevin Wooten and much more.
The podcast “Resilient Black Women” is a space for reimagining mental health access for communities of color. Hosted by Joi McGowan and Deneshia Simpson, the series is in its fifth season and has begun a recurring segment called “Producer’s Corner.” In this part of each episode, show producer and multimedia artist Leah Grant brings a question or topic to discuss. In this excerpt from this month’s episode, Leah and Joi talk about how to implement care while navigating certain attachment styles.
On today's show, assessing gender equity with the the Women’s Foundation of Arkansas. Also, work begins to restore the Carnegie Library building in Fort Smith. Plus, April Wallace gives us local events for your weekend.
In this episode we speak to Joi McGowan, from Amani Counseling about mental health. What it takes to be resilient in our mental health. Good mental health practices for minority communities and her journey to bring help, health and joy to Black and Brown people.
Heidi Dennis,MS, LPC is a therapist and author of her new book Hello Anxiety! Deneshia and Joi invited Heidi to come into the studio to tell us all about her new book! In this episode Heid defines anxiety as she discusses so many tangible ways to help you deal with your own anxious thoughts! Deneshia and Joi share some of their takeaways from the book! You can order your copy of Hello Anxiety at amazon.com or by visiting Heidi’s website here! www.heididennislpc.com You can follow Heidi on instagram for more insight into how to comfort your body when anxiety shows up. Thanks for stopping by!
Deneshia and Joi share a little about why boundaries are so important in your life when there has been trauma in your family, friendships or even dating relationships.Deneshia and Joi really wanted to take time to recognize that the holidays are not always good for all of us. They hope you give yourself permission to put distance between you and those who don’t love or celebrate you well. They hope you find community and connection all around you. Remember you are not alone! You are more than enough!@resilietblackwomen_org @joimcgowan_lpc *Deneshia does not have a instagram
Deneshia and Joi were so honored to talk with Shakira about this topic. Trauma is all too common for many of us. Sometimes it is difficult to heal. We hope this episode serves as a reminder that you are more than the trauma that has happened to you. We hope you find the tangible tools discussed in this episode helpful. If you need help reach out! You can visit https://www.arcrisis.org to find out about ways to seek immediate crisis support. If you need to talk to someone ASAP dial 988. It’s the 24/7 crisis/suicide hotline. Don’t stay quiet. Reach out! You are not alone!
Dr. Candice is an award-winning associate professor of counseling psychology at the University of Kentucky, where she studied sexual wellness and liberation. She is the host of F*ck the System: A Sexual Liberation Podcast, as well as How to Love a Human, a liberation podcast that asks people with multiple marginalized identities what the world would be like if it loved them. She has published over 50 research articles, been featured in HuffPost,Women's Health, Cosmopolitan, the New York Times - among others, and featured on podcasts like The Homecoming Podcast with Dr. Thema and Sex with Dr. Jess.
In this episode Deneshia and Joi tackle the issue of Imposter Syndrome! Today's topic is all about dispelling the lies we tell ourselves regarding imposter syndrome! Joi shares the research on how these cognitive schemas get us stuck as Black Women. All people probably from time to time struggle with Imposter Syndrome! Here they discuss the role of institutionalized racism that continues to impact the Black Community and Black Women altogether.
Deneshia and Joi begin a new season with a discussion about honoring life’s transitions! Joi shares some big news with the listeners! Deneshia talks about the importance of guarding our emotional energy. Deneshia shares that transitions are maybe not always so exciting. She hopes our listeners make space for all the emotions that come up with transitions. Joi tells us more about boundaries and how to define them.