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Rogers Kindergarten Quarantined, Fort Smith High School Temporarily Closed Due to COVID-19

On the first day of September, Governor Asa Hutchinson announced 273 new cases of COVID-19 at his press briefing -- as well as fewer test results, numbering 3,530. Seventeen additional deaths have occured, bringing Arkansas’ fatality total to 814, with more than 5,000 active cases in the state.  Four counties are reporting more than 20 new cases, including Pulaski with 44, Benton 29, Sebastian 24 and Washington 21.  The governor says that nearly all who died, had underlying conditions including hypertension, diabetes and heart disease. He also says Arkansas’ recovery rate of people hospitalized for the virus is nearly 80 percent. Ivy Pfeffer, with the Department of Education announced a kindergarten classroom in Rogers is under quarantine, as is an entire middle school grade in Mountain View, after close contacts with a person diagnosed with the virus. Fort Smith Northside High was closed today for disinfecting after positive cases connected to the school were diagnosed. The University of Arkansas is reporting 222 active cases currently. Drive through testing conducted by the Arkansas Department of Health at the University of Arkansas continues tomorrow and Thursday. The test site is at Baum Stadium parking lot from 8am to 2:30pm. To watch the full briefing click here.

Kyle Kellams is KUAF's news director and host of Ozarks at Large.
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